Graff, M. G. & Czarnomska, O. (2018) ‘Body Image on Social Media: Can Time Spent on Social Networking Sites Affect Thin-Ideal Internalisation, Objectified Body Consciousness and Exercise Motivation?’ Paper presented at the British Psychological Society, Annual Conference. Nottingham, UK.
Graff, M. G. (2017) ‘Validation in social media’ Paper presented at the British Psychological Society, Annual Conference. Brighton, UK.
Graff, M. G. (2016) ‘Sensitive and less emotionally intelligent people may be more susceptible to dating scams Paper presented at the British Psychological Society, Annual Conference. Nottingham, UK.
Graff, M. G. (2012) ‘Online friendships: The role of shyness, frequency of online communication, online self-disclosure, motive for social compensation and gender’ Paper presented at the 13th Biennial Conference of the European Association for Research on Adolescence. Spetsis, Greece.
Graff, M. G. (2012) ‘Jealousy responses to rival attractiveness online and offline’ Paper presented at the British Psychological Society, Annual Conference. London, UK.
Graff, M. G., John, B., & David, L. (2011) ‘Health anxiety and locus of control as predictors of online health information seeking Paper presented at the European Health Psychology Conference, Crete.
Graff, M. G. (2011) ‘A model for predicting attitudes to effective online instruction Paper presented at the British Psychological Society, Annual Conference. Glasgow, UK.
Graff, M. G. (2011) ‘Attitudes to working from home and cognitive style Paper presented at the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychological Conference. Maastricht, Netherlands.
Lebens, M., Graff, M. G. & Mayer, P. (2009) ‘Cognitive style and arithmetic problem solving strategies’. Paper presented at the 13th European Learning Styles Conference, Bulle, Switzerland.
Graff, M. G. & Elliott, S. (2009) ‘Can virtual infidelity cause jealousy?’ Paper presented at the British Psychological Society, Conference. Brighton UK.
Graff, M. G. (2008) ‘What is the evidence for a cognitive style?’ Paper presented at the 12th European Learning Styles Conference, University of Gent, Belgium.
Graff, M. G. (2008) ‘The analytic-intuition dimension of cognitive style and web-based learning’ Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on E-Learning. University of Cape Town, South Africa.167-172.
Graff, M. G. (2008) ‘The effect of learning environment satisfaction on classroom community in a blended learning course’ In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications. 3725-3732. Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Graff, M. G. & Lebens M. (2008) ‘Cultural differences in ICT attitudes in secondary school students’ In Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 1656-1667. Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Graff, M. G. & Lebens M. (2007) ‘Web-based direct instruction in mathematics for low achievers’ Proceedings of the 6th IASTED Conference. Chamonix, France. 98-103.
Graff, M. G. (2006) ‘Evaluating online interaction in the context of instruction’ Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on E-Learning. Winchester, UK. 131-136.
Graff, M. G. & Elliott, S. (2006) ‘When is talking online an act of betrayal? Perceptions of online infidelity’ Paper presented at the British Psychological Society, Social Psychology Section. Birmingham UK.
Lebens, M. & Graff, M. G. (2006) ‘Cognitive style and spelling performance in German schoolchildren’ Paper presented at the 43rd WEF Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Graff, M. G. (2006) ‘Cognitive style and handedness’ Paper presented at the 10th European Learning Styles Conference, University of Oslo, Norway.
Graff, M. G. (2005) ‘Online interim assessment, online community and student performance’ Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on E-Learning. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 131-138.
Graff, M. G. (2005) ‘Constructing and maintaining an effective web-based learning environment' Paper presented at the 10th European Learning Styles Conference, University of Surrey Business School. UK.
Graff, M. G. (2004) ‘An analysis of hypertext disorientation’ Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on E-Learning. Paris, France. 93-98.
Graff, M. G., Davies, J. & McNorton, M. (2003) ‘Cross-cultural differences in computer attitudes and computer use between UK and Chinese students’ Proceedings of E-Learn, Phoenix, USA. 1893-1900.
Graff, M. G. (2003) ‘Sense of classroom community in a blended learning course’ Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on E-Learning. Glasgow Caledonian University. UK. 175-182.
Graff, M. G. (2002) ‘Individual differences in using online learning and assessment methods’ Proceedings of the European Conference on E-Learning. University of Brunel, UK. 57-68.
Graff, M. G. (2002) ‘Learning from hypertext and the analyst-intuition dimension of cognitive style’ Proceedings of E-Learn. Montreal, Canada. 1, 361-368.
Graff, M. G. (2002) ‘Hypertext navigation and cognitive style’ Proceedings of the Seventh European Learning Styles Conference, Valcke, M., Armstrong, S., Graff, M. G., Rayner, S. G. & Sadler-Smith, E. (eds). University of Gent, Belgium. 185-192.
Graff, M. G. (2001) ‘The effects of cognitive style and hypertext architecture on perceived orientation in a hypertext instructional environment’ Proceedings of the Sixth European Learning Styles Conference, Graff, M. G., Armstrong, S., Rayner, S. G. & Sadler-Smith, E. (eds). University of Glamorgan.UK. 490-499.
Graff, M. G. (2000) ‘Exploring individual differences in attitudes towards computers’ Proceedings of the Fifth European Learning Styles Conference, Francis, A., Armstrong, S., Graff, M. G., Rayner, S. G. & Sadler-Smith, E. (eds) University of Hertfordshire. UK 84-92.
Graff, M. G. (2000) ‘Structure mapping of hypertext architecture and cognitive style’ Proceedings of the Fifth European Learning Styles Conference, Francis, A., Armstrong, S., Graff, M. G., Rayner, S. G. & Sadler-Smith, E. (eds). University of Hertfordshire. UK. 93-100.
Graff, M. G. (1999) ‘Cognitive style and hypertext structures' Proceedings of the Fourth European Learning Styles Conference, Hill, J., Armstrong, S., Graff, M. G., Rayner, S. G. & Sadler-Smith, E. (eds). University of Central Lancashire. UK. 233-242.